Sarah Spiekermann, Ph.D.   –   Business Informatics Professor and Thinker

The great split- Predictions on our AI future

An interesting exercise is to investigate how dormant or already obvious socio-cultural dynamics of our current time shape the future. Potentially we can use today’s value sphere to anticipate...

The problem with Harari’s Homo Deus

Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) published my critique of Harari’s book Homo Deus in which I argue that Harari is evil because he remains neutral vis-a-vis a deeply problematic idea of wo/men. In...

Why Transhumanism is deeply problematic

“Neue Züricher Zeitung” (NZZ) published the Anti-Transhumanist Manifesto that I completed together with a number of leading-edge colleagues holding professorships in such diverse...

Networks of Control –          The Book

  • 3. Oktober 2016, 15:20
  • MyBlog
Imagine you ask a friend to summarize for you "in a nutshell" what the rocky horror show was all about that he went to see. Your friend will probably have a hard time explaining the experience. There...

The Ethical Machine will have her own lab

  • 23. September 2016, 16:45
  • MyBlog
On the 29th of September we are finally there: My "Ethical Machine" will get her proper lab. And everyone who wants to be part of this, just needs to register for the launch event here – ...
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Sarah Spiekermann, Ph.D.

Copyright © 2018 Sarah Spiekermann